Many workers in Detroit, Michigan, from time to time have emergencies or other special situations come up that could require that they be away from work for an extended period of time. For example, a Detroit resident may need a few weeks off while recovering from a...
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Month: August 2017
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If I get hurt at work, can I get Social Security disability?
Many people in Detroit, Michigan, get hurt at work. Unfortunately, too many of these injuries end in a worker being disabled and unable to earn an income. When this happens, a worker has options. For instance, Michigan, like other states, has a workers' compensation...
Redistricting Reform and the Labor Movement
As we approach Labor Day, it is with a recognition that working people have suffered at the hands of the Republican dominated state legislature. These Republican legislators have enacted "right to work" along with a long series of bills that limit rights to collective...