Social Security Disability is a program regulated by the federal government with the goal of financially supporting those affected by mental or physical disability. Depending of the severity of the disability, different levels of support are available because the...
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Month: January 2015
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Michigan labor protections for job applicants with criminal backgrounds
Federal and state law gives employees and applicants significant rights when it comes to criminal background checks. Having a criminal record can make finding a job difficult. That is why the law gives applicants and employees numerous rights when it comes to adverse...
What do I do when my claim for SSD benefits is denied?
When people apply for Social Security disability, the need for financial assistance is often critical. The majority of people do not have substantial savings or other financial resources that can cover the day-to-day costs of living without earning an income. SSD...