Social Security payments are a crucial lifeline to those who collect them. These benefits help recipients who are over 65 or disabled and cannot work to pay for things like rent, medical care and all their living expenses. Thankfully, these checks will be a little...
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Fighting For
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Month: October 2021
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Winter is coming: Tips to prevent cold weather accidents on the job
Michigan winters can be treacherous, particularly for people who must work outside or battle the elements on a regular basis. With winter just around the corner, now is the perfect time for employers and workers to ensure they know how to prevent work-related...
Lawsuits argue COVID screening time should be paid
The pandemic has changed nearly every part of our working lives, including the protocols we must follow to stay safe on the job. However, many employers ignore the rights of their workers in implementing these protocols. For instance, Amazon is facing a proposed class...