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What if my Social Security disability benefits were denied?

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2021 | Social Security Administration News, Social Security Disability, Social Security Disability Benefits for Illnesses

You haven’t been able to work for a while due to injury or illness and you are not expected to be able to for at least 12 months. You decide to file for Social Security Disability Income and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits. Yet when you receive notice from the Social Security Administration, it denies your disability benefits. What are you supposed to do now?

Denied Social Security disability benefits

First, you should know you are not alone in having your Social Security disability benefits denied. In 2020, Michigan only approved 49.1% of Social Security disability applications. Social Security often denies disability applications because:

1. The applications don’t include enough medical evidence showing why your disability is preventing you from working.
2. You didn’t include requested documentation in your application or you made errors in filing your application.
3. You didn’t follow prescribed medical treatment.
4. You have already been denied.

Getting help with a disability benefits appeal

If the Social Security Administration denies your disability benefits claim, you can appeal. You should consult an experienced disability benefits attorney before filing your appeal. The Social Security disability benefits application and appeals process is complicated. You are more likely to get your Social Security disability benefits approved if you work with an attorney who understands how to prove your disability claim is legitimate. An attorney also can ensure to file your appeal within the government’s strict deadline.

Getting Social Security disability benefits approved can be a trying ordeal. You will face obstacles in the process, including possibly having your first application denied. But with help, you can get your Social Security Disability Income and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits approved and receive the benefits you deserve.
