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How are those disabled before age 22 treated different under SSD?

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2015 | Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability is a program regulated by the federal government with the goal of financially supporting those affected by mental or physical disability. Depending of the severity of the disability, different levels of support are available because the severity of the disability is directly related to the financial capabilities of the disabled. The amount of disability an individual receives is considered and granted on a case-by-case basis.

There are different regulations and specifications that will apply to each person. For example, there is a special regulation for adults who are disabled before they reach the age of 22. For a child with a disability who wishes to receive SSD benefits after age 18, the following rules apply. The disabling impairment must have started before age 22, and the person disabled must meet the definition of disability for adults.

This is important because normally a person over the age of 18 would not be eligible for benefits (as paid to the disabled person’s parents or guardians). However, if the disabled person was disabled before the age of 22, they may be eligible for child’s benefits if a parent is deceased or begins receiving retirement or disability benefits. This is considered a “child’s” benefit because it is paid on a parent’s Social Security earnings record. Therefore, the disability payment is paid to the parent to aid in the care of the disabled person.

Social Security Disability benefits were created to help those who are affected by disability. It is intended to aid their quality of life and grant them better access to healthcare. These benefits are crucial in the lives of the disabled and their families. It is important to be aware of all the benefit programs and regulations that may apply to a family member who is disabled. It is best to take advantage of all the programs available to help in the care of a disabled person.

Source:, “Disability Planner: Benefits For A Disabled Child,” Accessed January 19, 2015
