The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that allows eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons. As a Michigan worker, it's vital to understand your rights under this law and how to protect them. Here...
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Employment Law
Protections employees have against layoffs
Getting laid off can be enormously disappointing and stressful - particularly during the holidays. However, because Michigan companies often adjust their resources and budgets right before and after a new year, this is when many decide to lay off a portion of their...
Lawsuit cites numerous violations of nursing mother’s rights
Life after having a baby is incredibly hectic. Between meeting the needs of an infant and trying to get enough sleep, parents already have plenty on their plates. Going back to work adds even more responsibilities, particularly for nursing mothers. Unfortunately, too...
What employees should know about trade secret protection
Working in certain roles and industries can mean you will be privy to secret or proprietary information. Under these circumstances, you may be asked to sign specific employment contracts aimed at securing this valuable data, including trade secrets. If your boss or...
Microaggressions take a major toll on women in the workplace
Every employer and employee should know that overt discrimination in the workplace is illegal and wrong. However, not all discriminatory behaviors are obvious or even intentional. One example of this is microaggression, which can happen every day and may go unnoticed...
Should I sign this noncompete agreement?
If you are starting a new job or accepting a new role, your employer may ask you to sign a noncompete agreement. It might seem like little more than a formality, but it is crucial to stop and think before signing anything. To determine whether you should sign this...
Steps to take if you are being harassed at work
If someone is harassing you at work, every day can be stressful and upsetting. Being in this environment can take a tremendous toll on you mentally, financially and professionally. Thus, you should know what steps you can take to protect yourself and your right to a...
How do I get my unpaid wages?
Every worker deserves full and fair payment of their wages. Unfortunately, too many employers do not fulfill their duty to compensate their workers properly. If your employer underpaid you or failed to pay you altogether for any hours you have worked, you should know...
Does My Employee Handbook Interfere With My Rights?
It’s your first day on the job and the employer hands you a copy of the employee handbook to review. Maybe they leave you with a copy; maybe they don’t. You’re happy to be employed and you are ready to get to work—the employee handbook is the last thing on your...
Are you an exempt or nonexempt employee? Why does it matter?
Entering the workforce or starting a new job can be both stressful and exciting. You'll need to learn a lot about your role, employer and responsibilities, but another thing you want to be sure you understand is what type of employee you are: exempt or nonexempt?...