Preparing for a job interview can be as exhilarating as it is daunting. Your resume has opened the door, but the interview can seal the deal. If you are stepping into this crucial stage, knowledge is your greatest ally - especially regarding potential pitfalls you may...
Employee And Union Rights
Employee And Union Rights
Employment Law
What damages can you recover with an unlawful termination case?
If you are an employee in Michigan, it’s important to understand that you have legal rights, even if you are employed at will. While your employer can generally fire you for virtually any reason or none at all, there are exceptions to this broad legal policy. Your...
Are women still earning less than men?
Workers across the state continue to grapple with various wage issues, but few are more frustrating than the enduring gender wage gap. Unfortunately, recent research suggests that the gender pay gap remains a stubborn barricade to equality, despite strides in...
Workplace harassment: Silence isn’t the solution
Imagine walking into your workplace, a space where you should feel motivated and safe, only to be met with unwanted comments, stares or even touches. For many, this isn't just a disturbing scenario but an upsetting reality. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a...
Safeguarding the truth: Whistleblower protections in Michigan
Whistleblowers play a crucial role in maintaining integrity within organizations. They are the individuals who, often at great personal risk, expose misconduct that can otherwise be covered up or ignored. Because this can be a stressful and intimidating experience, it...
Understanding Michigan laws concerning overtime pay
When it comes to employment law, knowledge is power. Many employers prey upon employees who lack a legal background hoping that they will not know what rights they have. Yet, laws are often written in an overly complex manner that is not easily digested without a...
Year-end bonuses and performance incentives
Bonuses can be a valuable part of an employee's income potentially making or breaking their family budget or jeopardizing planned elective purchases. However, the excitement of getting a bonus regularly can quickly be flipped upside-down by an employer who decides not...
The cost of experience
What happens when the line between learning and labor becomes blurred? In the pursuit of experience and knowledge, many students find themselves contributing much more than just their time and attention—they could also be giving their labor for free. A recent legal...
Every exchange matters in retaliation claims
Proving an employer has retaliated against you can be quite complex. Every piece of correspondence can come under scrutiny, and the more supporting evidence you have, the better. Even something as seemingly insignificant as the use of an emoji could impact your legal...
Recognizing discrimination and understanding its impact
Discrimination at work is common. It can appear in many ways and harm victims greatly. It's vital to know what it looks like and how it can harm workers. This knowledge can help us understand why we need to stop it. Different forms of discrimination There are several...