Imagine being in desperate need of something and finally being awarded exactly what you need. Then, imagine being told that what you need may quickly be snatched from you one day, leaving you essentially “holding the bag” and feeling empty and helpless. For Michigan residents who rely on Social Security disability, the benefits they receive fulfill a genuine need in their finances, but the threat of losing these benefits in coming years unfortunately is real.
Reports show that the Social Security disability trust fund is slated to run out in 2016. Part of the reason behind this may be that the number of people applying for disability benefits skyrocketed at the beginning of the great recession in 2008. Specifically, the number jumped between 10 percent and 20 percent annually.
In fact, a deficit of about $48 billion was cited in 2013. This was because the trust fund gave out more money than it received. Boosting taxes and reducing the amount of money paid out in Social Security benefits may be the only way to restore the fund.
Getting word from a doctor that a mental or physical disability will prevent one from being able to go back to work may be disheartening. This is particularly true for a person who has been in the workplace for years and could not imagine not earning a check and being able to make ends meet. However, Social Security disability can easily fill the void and help an incapacitated person to remain financially float. Being told that one does not qualify for benefits can feel like extra salt in the wound, but knowing one’s rights and understanding the law may help a Michigan resident to claim the benefits he or she needs and deserves.
Source:, Social Security Running Out Of Disability Money In 2016?, No author, Feb. 15, 2014