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SSA starts anti-fraud unit in Michigan

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2014 | Social Security Administration News

One of the major areas of focus of the Social Security Administration in recent times has been the prevention of Social Security Disability fraud. In connection to these efforts, the agency recently made an announcement regarding Michigan.

With the assistance of the state’s Department of Human Services, the SSA is starting a Cooperative Disability Investigations Unit to focus on Michigan. This is the 26th CDI Unit the SSA has put in place (they are in over 20 states and Puerto Rico). CDI Units are anti-fraud units that are focused on many different things, including the detection of potential Social Security Disability fraud before benefits payments are made. The newly-established Michigan unit is based in Detroit and will have a variety of different types of personnel at it.

Social Security Disability fraud is an awful thing, as it takes away money that is meant for people who actually need it due to disability. It depletes funds, which could put the Social Security Disability program’s ability to serve its role in danger, which could have major impacts on disabled individuals throughout the country.

Thus, one hopes that the SSA will continue to work hard to prevent such fraud. One also hopes though that they make sure that their efforts do not become overzealous to the point where they start to prevent people who are making legitimate disability claims from being able to get the benefits they deserve. It is important that efforts to protect the Social Security Disability program do not undermine its core purposes.

Source: Social Security Administration, “Social Security, Office of Inspector General Partner with State of Michigan on Anti-Fraud Unit,” Aug. 15, 2014
