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Timing concerns for SSDI claims

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2014 | Social Security Disability

Timing and time limits are major issues in many legal matters. Social Security Disability Insurance claims are no exception to this. There are many different timing rules and considerations regarding these types of claims.

Timing issues are one of the many things covered in our article, “What You Should Know About SSDI Or SSI,” which gives a general overview of Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income claims.

One major timing question that can arise for SSDI applicants is: how soon should I file my claim? One thing that can be worth considering when trying to decide when to file a claim is that there are rules regarding how soon a person can receive SSDI benefits following becoming disabled. Generally, benefits cannot be received in the first five months after the disability started. Now, this waiting period just applies to the receipt of benefits, not the application for benefits, so an application can be filed before the waiting period is over. But the waiting period’s presence can make it so how good of an idea it is to make a very early filing for SSDI benefits can be affected by things such as how clear the long-term effects of the impairment currently are and how quickly relevant evidence can be collected.

Another timing question SSDI applicants often have is: how soon after I file my application will I find out if my claim has been initially accepted or denied? Generally, such initial decisions are sent out within four months of the application being filed. However, times can vary significantly depending on things such as the nature of the disability the claim was made in connection to, the quality of the evidence included in the claim and the circumstances regarding the disability office the claim was made to.

When an application is denied, paying attention to time can be very important for the applicant. There are various timing rules for the appeals process for denials of an SSDI claim; being aware of and complying with these rules can be vital for those desiring to pursue an appeal.

Given the important role timing can play in the SSDI claims process, if a person has any questions regarding timing, they should consider bringing the questions to a knowledgeable disability attorney.
