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Disability benefits for family members

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2015 | Social Security Disability

When Michigan residents are unable to work they may not have enough money to support themselves or their family. In these cases, federal benefits may be available for an individual. Depending on the situation, a person may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. These benefits can help to give a person some income when the person is unable to work for long periods of time. These benefits are subject to a number of federal regulations and can be difficult to obtain.

In some situations, people may want to give all or part of their disability benefits to a family member. The Social Security Administration has strict guidelines for when this is allowed. According to the SSA, family members can qualify for SSD benefits based on another person’s work history in a couple unique situations.

First, a person’s spouse can qualify if the person is 62-years-old or older. This can include an ex-spouse if the person is also older than 62, the couple was married for at least 10 years and the person has not re-married. Additionally, if a person’s spouse is taking care of a child who is under the age of 16 or is disabled, then the spouse can qualify for SSD benefits no matter the spouse’s age.

Second, people’s children can qualify for SSD benefits based on their work history. If a person’s child is under the age of 18 and is not married, the child may be able to qualify. This includes adopted children, and sometimes grandchildren and stepchildren. A child older than 18-years-old can also qualify if the child is unmarried, meets an adult disability definition and was disabled before the age of 22.

Understanding the complex rules that surround SSD benefits is important for all disabled Michigan residents and their families. Getting the right information can help these individuals make the most of their benefits.
