When Michigan residents are receiving Social Security Disability benefits, they must be aware that the Social Security Administration will conduct periodic reviews of the illness, condition or disability that warranted the benefits. This is true whether the person is receiving Social Security Income or Social Security Disability. It is important to understand how this review process works and what to do in the event that the benefits are discontinued. In general, if the claimant has not experienced an improvement in the issue or if the claimant cannot work, the benefits will continue. During the review, the claimant will be afforded the chance to show that the benefits should continue.
The time at which the review will be conducted depends on the medical condition and whether or not improvement is expected. If there is an expectation of improvement, the first review should be within six to 18 months after the date of the disability. If it is possible for there to be improvement, but it is impossible to predict, the case will be reviewed every three years. If there is no improvement expected, the case will be reviewed every seven years. At the review, the claimant will be asked questions regarding the disability and whether or not it has improved. Contact information of medical professionals will be requested, as well as information to get in touch with other medical sources. If the person was able to work for a time, information regarding those circumstances must also be provided.
The decision will be made based on information the medical professionals provide. If that medical proof is lacking in depth or is not up to date, the claimant can ask for there to be a special examination for which the claimant will not have to pay. If the claimant disagrees with the decision, it is possible to move forward with the process for Social Security Disability appeals. The benefits will cease if there is evidence that the medical issue has sufficiently improved so the claimant can perform regular work. If there is no improvement and the claimant cannot work, the benefits will continue.
Social Security Disability claims have numerous rules that must be adhered to even after the claimant has been found to have a qualifying disability. When there is a review, having an understanding as to how the process works is imperative before and after it has taken place. Getting more information about Social Security Disability is beneficial to handling the entire process.