According to a study that was recently conducted, over two-thirds of women have reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment directed against them.
The study found that 77 percent of the women who responded reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment. Over 1 in 3 men, 34 percent, also reported harassment.
This type of harassment was primarily verbal in nature, such as by the way of an off-color joke or an inappropriate comment. If anything, this study underscores that fact that, far from being innocent fun, this form of verbal harassment can haunt a person for a long time.
Women were far more prone to being victims of other types of sexual harassment as well. For instance, over one half of women reported experiencing romantic touches that were not invited or welcome, even though they were not characterized as a full blown sexual assault.
Over 1 in 3 women said they had been followed, and 3 out of 10 had been the victims of others showing their private parts to them. Over 1 in 4 women, 27 percent, said they had been sexually assaulted.
While this study did not break down exactly where and in what circumstances these acts occurred, it stands to reason that many of these incidents were work-related or even at the hands of a co-worker or supervisor.
These statistics paint a clear picture that the sexual harassment of women remains a huge problem in Detroit and throughout the country. With respect to workplace harassment, a victim may be able to pursue legal remedies against her employers. These remedies may serve to deter perpetrators from harassing their victims and also can send a message to employers who choose to turn a blind eye to this problem.