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Helping you apply for SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2019 | Social Security Disability

When individuals in Michigan are struggling because of a disability, it is not always easy to ask for help. While Social Security disability benefits are designed to help those unable to work because of a disability, some are worried about the application process. No one likes hearing no or being denied; however, many first time applicants have their applications denied. Thus, it is important for disabled individuals to understand what they can do to increase their chances of being approved.

The application process can be confusing and complex. If living with a disability is not already hard enough, it can be overwhelming to navigate the application process on one’s own. At Miller Cohen, PLC, our experienced legal team understands how difficult a disabling injury or condition can be. Therefore, we not only take the time to help our clients understand their options and rights, but we also take the time to work through the details of the application process.

The Social Security Administration strictly defines disability, and in order for an applicant to meet this definition, he or she must provide evidence. Our law firm will take the time to collect all necessary information and documents that will help prove our clients are eligible for disability benefits. Whether it is work related documents or medical documents, ensuring the application is complete is vital.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s Social Security disability website. Obtaining SSD benefits can be necessary for some, making it imperative that one work through the application process. This could also mean taking steps to file an appeal if one is denied. SSD benefits could help provide one with the funds to cover basic living costs, which is necessary for one unable to work because of a disability.
