Your paycheck is more than just the amount you take home. It can reveal a lot about your job, your rights and your employer. Knowing what to look for can help you spot issues before they become costly legal battles.
What should a paycheck include?
Whether you are paid with a physical check or with a direct deposit, your paycheck should provide precise details about your earnings. In Michigan, employees must be able to access and view pay stubs for at least three years. Here’s what you should see on your paystubs:
- Pay period details
- Gross pay
- Net pay
- Deductions (which may be itemized)
- Fringe benefits
- Hours worked
- Pay rate
- Tips
While these entries might remain the same from check to check, they can also vary widely. Thus, it’s crucial to examine your pay stubs. Understanding these components helps you verify that your employer is compensating you correctly.
Potential red flags on your pay stub
Unfortunately, not every paycheck is accurate. It’s essential to watch for signs that something might be wrong with your paycheck. Here are some red flags:
- Irregular payment schedules: If your paychecks are inconsistent, it could indicate a problem.
- Unexplained or unapproved deductions: Your employer should clearly explain and detail approved deductions for things like uniforms or shortages.
- Missing funds: If your paycheck is missing hours or wages, this is a serious issue.
If you notice any of these red flags, it’s crucial to address them immediately. In some cases, inaccuracies are easy to fix by correcting hours or updating records. If missing wages or excessive deductions are intentional, legal action can be necessary.
Every paycheck matters
Every paycheck is important. Mistakes, oversights or outright theft can take a tremendous toll on an employee. Missing funds or unlawful deductions can add up over time, leading to significant financial stress.
By regularly checking your pay stub, you can catch these issues early and take action to correct them. Understanding your paycheck and knowing what to look for can protect you from wage theft and other issues.